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The Belief Switch 



This is where we teach you how to do for yourself what we do for you when you come and see us in clinic. 


The Belief Switch is how you put yourself in control of your life and what you are creating for yourself. Want to really know how to manifest and create the life that you want? This is what you need to do!


You are going to learn:


  • All about the subconscious. How it works, how it is programmed, and how it affects your day to day reality.

  • What kinesiology muscle testing is and how it works. PLUS Five ways to use muscle testing on yourself

  • How to determine your limiting beliefs (and you'll be surprised about some of the crazy limiting programming you're carrying around with you)

  • The 4P’s of writing new, empowering beliefs (because you want your new beliefs to be the best kick-ass beliefs you can have)

  • The Belief Switch  three stage technique to program new, empowering subconscious beliefs

  • How to Drill Down into blocks to uncover hidden sabotages (sabotages suck, and we all have them, so you need to know how to find them and pull them out!)

  • How to clear those sabotages and replace them with supportive, empowering programs


You will also receive a workbook with all of this information PLUS our Book of Beliefs with over 700 essential life-affirming beliefs you can directly program yourself. You will also get exclusive access to our private, members-only facebook group just for people who've completed The Belief Switch. You'll become part of a great community of people who are there to share your successes with and help you on your journey too.


The Format
There are 3 parts to the delivery of The Belief Switch


1. The theory component is delivered to you via a series of emails


2. The practical is taught to you over a Friday night and full Saturday and Sunday. This intensive and life changing weekend is also fully catered for.


3. You get a one-on-one session with either Amy or Michael via Skype or Facetime in the two weeks following the weekend intensive to lock it all in!

So are you ready to take charge and create yourself the way you want to be? Book your spot on the next course now.


Each program is facilitated by both Amy & Michael, and is strictly limited to only 12 places to ensure quality and personalised training.


Here's what others had to say about The Belief Switch workshop:

Life changing.jpg
An incredible tool.jpg
5 weeks of magic.jpg
Reaffirmed my spirituality.jpg
An amazing journey.jpg
Empowering and liberating.jpg
I loved it all.jpg

The Belief Switch


To book your place call or text 0402759726.

Or fill in the form below and write "Book me in!" in the sublect line

Your details were sent successfully! We'll contact you asap to book you in to The Belief Switch

Be quick.  Spaces are strictly limited and fill fast. All workshops are held in Cairns.

The Belief Switch


Fri 18th March


Sat 19th March

10.00am - 4.00pm

Sunday 20th March

10.00am - 4.00pm



Early Bird discount

Pay before 12th Feb only $550


12 spots remaining

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